0 | cero | say-roh | ||
1 | uno | oo-noh | first | primero |
2 | dos | dohs | second | segundo |
3 | tres | trays | third | tercero |
4 | cuatro | kuah-troh | fourth | cuarto |
5 | cinco | seen-koh | fifth | quinto |
6 | seis | says | sixth | sexto |
7 | siete | see-ay-tay | seventh | séptimo |
8 | ocho | oh-choh | eighth | octavo |
9 | nueve | new-ay-vay | ninth | noveno |
10 | diez | dee-ays | tenth | décimo |
11 | once | ohn-say | eleventh | undécimo |
12 | doce | doh-say | twelfth | duodécimo |
13 | trece | tray-say | thirteenth | décimo tercero |
14 | catorce | kah-tor-say | fourteenth | décimo cuarto |
15 | quince | keen-say | fifteenth | décimo quinto |
16 | diez y seis | dee-ays ee says | sixteenth | décimo sexto |
17 | diez y siete | dee-ays ee see-ay-tay | seventeenth | décimo séptimo |
18 | diez y ocho | dee-ays ee oh-choh | eighteenth | décimo octavo |
19 | diez y nueve | dee-ays ee new-ay-vay | nineteenth | décimo noveno |
20 | veinte | bayn-tay | twentieth | vigésimo |
21 | veinte y uno | bayn-tay ee oo-noh | twenty-first | vigésimo primero |
22 | veinte y dos | bayn-tay ee dohs | twenty-second | vigésimo segundo |
30 | treinta | trayn-tah | thirtieth | trigésimo |
40 | cuarenta | kuar-ain-tah | fortieth | cuadragésimo |
50 | cincuenta | seen-kuain-tah | fiftieth | quincuagésimo |
60 | sesenta | say-sain-tah | sixtieth | sexagésimo |
70 | setenta | say-tain-tah | seventieth | septuagésimo |
80 | ochenta | oh-chain-tah | eightieth | octogésimo |
90 | noventa | noh-bain-tah | ninetieth | nonagésimo |
100 | cien(to) | see-ain-(toh) | hundredth | centésimo |
1000 | mil | meel | thousandth | milésimo |
If you are just saying 100, you use cien. If it's over 100, you use ciento. So 101 is ciento uno and 156 would be ciento cincuenta y seis. Also you can use dieciséis, diecisiete, dieciocho, and diecinueve for 16, 17, 18, and 19, respectively. They are pronounced the same but are combined into one word. Additionally, 21-29 can be written as one word (veintiuno, veintidós, veintitrés, etc.), but you need to use y for the rest of the numbers.
Primero and tercero drop the final -o when used directly before a noun.
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