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can you translate español: Verbs of Feelings


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Saturday 7 August 2010

Verbs of Feelings

Several verbs in Spanish that express feelings (pleasure, pain, etc.) have different word order than in English. These verbs have the same construction as gustar (#35): Indirect object + verb + subject. Me, te, le, nos, os, les are the indirect object pronouns. The verb is conjugated in third person singular or plural because it agrees with the subject, not the indirect object.
gustar to like dar asco to hate
apetecer to feel like dar miedo to scare
encantar to adore dar lástima to trouble
dar ganas to feel like doler to hurt
Te apetece salir. You feel like going out.
Le duelen los dientes. His teeth hurt.
Les da miedo la película. The film scares them.
You can also add a mí, a ti, a él, a ella, a usted, a nosotros/-as, a vosotros/-as, a ellos, a ellas, or a ustedes before the indirect object for emphasis.
A mí me gusta el fútbol. Me, I like soccer.

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