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Sunday 1 August 2010


¿Qué tiempo hace? What's the weather like?
Hace buen tiempo. The weather's nice.
Hace mal tiempo. The weather's bad.
Hace frío. It's cold.
Hace calor. It's hot.
Hace sol. It's sunny.
Hace viento. It's windy.
Hace fresco. It's chilly.
Está nublado. It's cloudy.
Hay niebla. It's foggy.
Hay neblina. It's misty.
Hay humedad. It's humid.
Hay granizo. It's hailing.
Llueve. It's raining.
Nieva. It's snowing.
Truena. It's thundering.
Llovizna. It's sprinkling.

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