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Saturday, 31 July 2010

learning spanish lesson 2 step 6

we travel, one of the most popular things to do is to try the local food and drink. Whether you're touring Spain, or the many countries that make up South America, be sure to try the local cuisine. To do so, you'll need to know some common words.
We use the verb comer to indicate we wish to eat something, and beber for drinking. To ask for something, we use the verb poder and tener. But what to eat and drink with?
glass el vaso
pitcher la jarra
table la mesa
fork el tenedor
knife el cuchillo
spoon la cuchara
salt shaker el salero
pepper shaker el pimentero
napkin la servilleta
Let's take a look at a few examples now.
Spanish English
Puedo tener un jarra de cervesa por favor Can I have a pitcher of beer please
¿Dónde me sentaré? Where will I sit?
Quiero un vaso de agua I'd like a drink of water
Puedo tener un cuchullo nuevo por favor Can I please have a new knife?
Pase el salero por favor Pass the salt shaker
Here are a list of common foods and drinks you may like to memorize.
milk leche
juice jugo
water agua
coffee café
tea té
cool drink bebida fría
warm drink bebida caliente

meat carne
chicken pollo
fish pescados
salad ensalada
bread pan
fruit fruta
yoghurt yogur
ice-cream helado

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